I used to work in the service industry, I get it. You get paid like shit, your boss is a perv, and frankly the job is fucking worthless. You encounter hundreds of fucking old people who want their toast a certain temp and their eggs sunny side up, but the problem is you don't serve breakfast. I try to sympathize but sometimes, servers (and cooks) are just stupid.
Recently, my wife, son, and I attended a restaurant. We've been there before, and we seen this particular server before (two months ago).This individual was a walking what the fuck. When we arrived, I was already exhausted and hungry, my 9 month pregnant wife was obviously hungry and tired, and my 17 month old son was always hungry.
The restaurant was not by anybody's imagination "busy". We're talking about 5 or 6 tables, all 2 tops except one table with 4 criminal justice students. There were about 5 servers on and I'm just thinking "Sweet, in and out". I was wrong, and that is a common occurrence.
We sat there awhile, nothing to crazy, and this server walks up and asks us what we'd like to drink. He mentioned he was a horrible speller and may need to view the menu to spell some things. I didn't give a shit about that, if it wasn't for spell check you'd think a 5 year old wrote these blogs. We ordered our drinks and he sprinted off.
He came back fairly swiftly and dropped off the drinks. It was lovely, and then it started to suck. He literally sprinted off before I could mention that we were ready to order. He was gone for about 15 minutes and came running back through to talk to the 4 criminal justice students (sitting kitty-corner of us);
"Hey guys, ummm, I'm really sorry but your order is going to take like, more than 20 minutes. We have like a 300 dollar to go order, and the manager wants that to go first. Is that ok?"
"Well, no, we gotta go back to class in 30 mins, and it's a 15 minute or so drive... we'll just pay for our drinks and head out..."
"Okay, I'm really sorry guys"
"It's okay, totally not your fault"
That was it. They were super cool about it. He approached our table and attempted to take our order. I was real cool about it, and showed him exactly what we wanted so he could spell it out. He was dumbfounded by spelling mac and cheese. Urg but whatever.
He ran off and came back a bit later to the students. They didn't get pissed when he came with 4 different checks (all of them wrong somehow) and had to go back... fast forward 10 mins. and they are finally walking out the door. Meanwhile our first round of drinks are empty and my son is pissed to the point of screaming.
The server comes up and mentions that our food should be up in about 10 minutes... cool, I'm fucking famished and have to work in like 1.5 hours (plenty o time).
"Ok, 10 minutes is cool" I say
"Ok thanks, I just had to deal with some cops and they were really rude"
Again he ran off... The "cops" were really cool to this guy and he just straight d-bagged it up. On top of that, they gave him another table. A woman, man, and newborn. This guy goes up and the first thing out of his mouth is, "Hi, good thing your not cops, I just had a group of really rude cops." Idiot.
20 minutes later, I don't even see this guy and I'm getting concerned that he got lost on his way back to the kitchen. He strolls around the corner and says, "Hey guys, small mix-up, but your food is being worked on right now."
Ok, so firstly, it isn't 10 minutes.... and secondly fine, I ordered a salad, my wife got a soup, and my son got a mac and cheese, should be quick. Fast forward another 20 minutes, and he strolls by again.
"Excuse me sir?"
"Yeah whats up?"
"Um, it's not a huge deal, but where is our food?" (It was a huge deal... it had been close to an hour and a half since we got there and it was running on 1 oclock... I leave my house at 1:30 for work.)
"Oh, I had to re-enter it. Like I said earlier, it's ONLY my 6th day by myself. I..."
I ignored everything said at that point. I was hungry, my kid was starved, and my wife was doing all she could to not lose her shit. He wandered off after my wife acknowledged whatever he said.
He goes to the computer and starts frantically typing something in. I'm thinking, "that is not our order... no way." As he strolls by I flag him down...
"Did you JUST enter our order?"
"Yeah, if you were listening before, it's my 6th day by myself..." ramble ramble ramble
WHAT THE FUCK!? I don't care if it was your first day out of the fucking womb. If you have a question, ask someone... if you fuck up, man up. This dude blamed like everybody for him sucking at this job. I kept my cool and simply suggested;
"We have to go. I have to work soon. Can we get the check?"
To wrap it up. We did end up getting our food to-go. It sucked, probably due to the fact that it had been 2 hours since I ordered it. I talked to a manager and he douched it up real nice too. "Yeah he's in way over his head." I get two free entrees to this place that I don't really want to eat at anytime soon. Bro, if you can't spell, have no people skills, and are a bad server you get no tip. I tip like 25% all of the time... I tipped a penny... I didn't forget to tip you, you just fucking suck man.
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